IP delivery: Remote listening in multiple languages of live conferences held at an international organization

A fast-paced world where discussions about major subjects deserve a forum – international organizations are often the best suited places to host large talks when stakes are high. Conferences and summits gather top of the bill names and high ranking officials. Throughout the world, official talks or public statements are often delivered loud and clear, from the pulpit, to a perceptive audience. In a fast paced world, the challenge is to enable any remote participant to have instant access to the floor, and the ability to understand the speakers in almost any language. The deployment of an extensive and robust live translation system, supporting a panel of live interpreters, should also consider this multi language component with remote access for participants.

The solution 

Audio channels covering both the conference rooms and translators’ booths are available on a Dante network, with a  maximum of 64 simultaneous live audio channels to cover the various source and target languages. 

The system used should interface with the Dante network to stream the conferences in all the available languages to CDNs and automatically stop the streaming when a conference is over.

The solution consists here in two IQOYA SERV/LINK units used as a redundant pair. IQOYA SERV/LINK-Dante is a 1U rack that allows encoding and streaming multiple Dante input channels in multiple protocols. Among these protocols, Icecast/Shoutcast and HLS are used for WEB radios. The two units are linked via an IP lifeline. One unit is active, while the other one is on standby as long as it gets signs of life from the active unit. As soon as there are no longer signs of life, the standby unit becomes active and replaces the “faulty” one, the configuration of the active unit is automatically replicated to the standby unit.

Benefits of the solution

Save rack space (1U)

Learn more

SERV/LINK product page

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